
The Goal, part II

After reading my last post again I think I made the mistake of setting the bar to high for my first goal.

While being a master is something I want to achieve and believe I can achieve, I think that starting with that as my goal might make it easy for me to fail or burn out quickly. Its like setting a goal that in one year I want to be driving a Ferrari, then after 3 months of driving my Corolla the goal of owning a Ferrari starts to feel very far away and impossible. If you look at the weight loss industry you see that is very dependent on helping people achieve weight loss goals. If you look at how the various companies set goals for clients you can see results oriented goal planning in action. They ask how much you want to lose and then set a reachable goal. For instance if you want to lose 100 pounds they don't start off telling you that your going to lose it in a week they set a reachable healthy goal of a few pounds per week for a year or whatever.

I need a specific, measurable, and reachable goal to start.

That will be my next post.

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